
Maintenance Contract (AMC)


Project Execution


Fire & Safety Audit


In-House Design


A Room Integrity Fan Test, also known as a Door Fan Test, is simply a way to measure the leakage of an enclosure. A large fan is temporarily installed in the doorway of the room to be tested, with the fan blowing into the room (pressurizing the room).

The fan speed is adjusted to obtain flow pressure equivalent to the pressure exerted during a fire suppression system discharge. The fan is then reversed on the door to draw air from the room (depressurizing the room).

The airflow and pressure readings obtained are entered into a computer program designed to calculate the equivalent leakage area (ELA) for the room. When a room has a suspended (drop) ceiling, then the below ceiling leakage area (BCLA) is calculated as one-half the total ELA and is used in the calculations for retention time

Because of its nature, a Door Fan Test will always calculate the worst case leakage for the room. It draws air through leaks in the room and under the floor as well as above the suspended ceiling to predict the descending interface of the suppression agent.

The length of time it takes for the descending interface to reach the minimum protected height identifies the concentration hold time.

When preparing a room to retain a gaseous fire suppression agent, the walls and slab must be inspected for penetrations and leakage points.

All areas of concern must be properly sealed with fire retardant materials and doors fitted with pressure seals around the jams and threshold


Project Planning:

• Detailed transition • Work schedules • Resource planning • Tools & tackles • Supply Chain Planning


• Understanding the drawings & designs • Implementing SOP & Safety practices • Material Delivery • Installation • Quality survey / certifications • Testing & Commissioning

Project Closure:

•Preparation of As built drawings • Bill of Quantities - BOQ • O&M Manuals • Warranty declaration & certification • User training & signing off

Few Highlights:

•Supervising project execution • On-time delivery • Certified Engineers • Experienced Technicians • Expertise in Retrofit Works • Complete Documentation


MAXTECH Team may visit your premises and undertake a fire safety audit which is usually agreed and all fire safety overseers will be in uniform and carry identification. 

The audit is an examination of the premises and relevant documents to ascertain how the premises are being managed regarding fire safety. The in-charge officer may also wish to talk to members of staff to confirm their level of fire safety alertness. 

The emphasis is on the responsible person demonstrating they have met the duties required by the fire safety order. For this reason we may ask to see the following documents as evidence. 

  • – Preventative and protective measures regarding fire
  • – Emergency plans for the premises (what to do in the event of a fire)
  • – Action plans related to any significant findings of the fire risk assessment
  • – Fire safety maintenance checklist (what is checked, by who, and when) 
  • – Fire drills and staff fire training records (who, when, & what training)
  • – Staff information on fire safety and dangerous substances. 

The above list is not in-depth and other evidence may be required depending on the site location and circumstances.


In-house System Designers as per:

  • – NBC (National Building Code)
  • – NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency)
  • – TAC (Tariff Advisory Committee)
  • – FM (Factory Mutual)
  • – Well-developed and expertise team
  • – Core discipline to any fire fighting system design
  • – Understanding the customer expectations and adhering to the statutory norms

who we are

Fire Fighting Equipment - Annul Maintenance Contracts


We undertake AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) of Fire Fighting Systems for each product. It is a full-fledged team that takes the burden of managing all your Fire Detection & Protection Systems, and Electronic Security Systems off your shoulders. Through this maintenance service, we can maintain the smooth & error free functionality of the systems. Our well qualified & trained engineers will be deployed at your facility to monitor, maintain and manage your systems. This frees up your manpower resources and ensures more efficient systems management. Breakdowns, if any, can be identified and resolved proactively. This, in turn, enables you to respond faster and more efficiently to emergencies and minimize losses to people and property.

Comprehensive AMC:

The services includes the periodic PMS (Preventive Maintenance Services) which ensures the safe functioning of all the systems installed. Also it covers the replacement of Spare parts against manufacturing defects except the consumables

Non-comprehensive AMC:

The services includes the periodic PMS (Preventive Maintenance Services) which ensures the safe functioning of all the systems installed. However the spare parts and consumables are charged at prevailing prices

Few Highlights:

Extended life of your equipment due to Preventive Maintenance Services Compliance with local Fire Safety and Insurance requirements Reduced risks of failure of equipment when the need arises